Tulasi Janjrukia
Puzzle Cube:
In our PLTW class, we were told to build a puzzle cube using the design process. My cube wasn't the most successful; I got out the second round of our puzzle cube tournament. I could have made my cube better by having each individual peice be an awkward shape and extremely difficult to put together. I felt like the hardest part of this entire process was when I had to generate concepts, because I had a hard time imagining each piece and how they would together. Overall, my piece wasn't the hardest but I found it an enjoyable process.
1. Define the Problem
Problem: A furniture company throws away their excess three quarters inch cubes and are losing money. The company wants to make money off using the scrab cubes, so they ask that we make a three by three by three puzzle cube.
2. Generate Concepts
These were two ideas I had for possible puzzle cube layouts. As one can see, I chose the bottom one as my final.
3. Develop a Solution
This is the orthographic drawing of my final cube and all of the individual parts. I then created each part individually on Autodesk Inventor and made a title block for them. I also made a title block for each individual part.
4. Construct and Test a Prototype
Here I made the physical working model of my proposed cube. The first one is made of toy blocks, while the others are made of the the wooden cubes glued together.
5. Evaluate Solution
This is the final product (uncolored and colored) made from the 3/4" wooden cubes glued together.